Speedylight+ is a Versatile Curing System

The elegant design of the SpeedyLight+ system makes it one of the most versatile pipe curing tools available to plumbers. This technology employs innovations in materials science and technical developments in the industry to provide exceptional power, speed, and efficiency. At PrimeLine Products, we are confident that this system can revolutionize the way plumbing contractors handle pipe…

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Lateral lining materials

Why You Should Recommend Lateral Pipe Lining to Clients

Lateral lines often bear a consistent and heavy burden since they go between the building’s plumbing and local utility connections. They tend to run across a significant portion of the property, which means excavating them is inconvenient and unsightly. It’s easy to convince most clients to use a lateral pipe lining system if they know…

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Chemical grouting equipment

The Various Applications of Chemical Grouting

One of the reasons why modern plumbers and trenchless professionals should use chemical grouting supplies is their broad range of applications. This approach is a safe, fast, and effective choice for sealing and repairing buried pipes, tanks, and other parts of the plumbing system. The ability to react with water and create a solid seal…

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Pneumatic plugs

Choosing the Right Pneumatic Plug

When it comes to pneumatic plugs, it’s all about making the right choice. With all of the diversity and developments in the plumbing industry over the decades, there are a lot of different types of applications and needs for these devices. Finding the right fitting depends on the specific demands of the situation, including the…

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Trenchless tools

Are Trenchless Tools the Best Option for Complex Repairs?

Trenchless tools are often the best option for complex domestic or commercial plumbing repairs. New developments of accessible and practical technology in the industry have opened up new options that should excite any contractor looking for more effective, powerful, and versatile trenchless equipment. This is why at PrimeLine Products, we stock up on only cutting-edge…

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