Essential Tips on Lateral Lining

Essential Tips on Lateral Lining

Lateral pipe lining provides plumbing contractors with an efficient, cost-effective, and long-lasting solution for trenchless pipe rehabilitation. The best part is that customers appreciate the minimal disruption to the property and the fast restoration of sewer service. Whether you’re just getting started with lateral lining or you’re expanding your range of services, use these essential…

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How Robotic Cutters Aid in Lateral Rehabilitation

How Robotic Cutters Aid in Lateral Rehabilitation

The trenchless pipe rehabilitation industry makes use of a type of sophisticated robot known as lateral cutters. These precision-engineered robots feature remote guidance systems that facilitate smooth and speedy repairs between sewer mains and lateral connections. At Primeline Products, we specialize in providing robotic cutting units that reinstate residential and commercial lateral lines. Here’s how…

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Crack Injection: What You Need to Know

Crack Injection: What You Need to Know

When you discover cracks in pipes, brick or concrete structures, storage tanks, tunnels, these faults must be repaired as quickly as possible. A durable, reliable, and cost-effective method of fixing these issues is grouting. At PrimeLine Products, our range of Avanti chemical grouting products allows you to perform these critical repairs as part of your…

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Fast Facts About Chemical Grouting

Fast Facts About Chemical Grouting

The trenchless pipe rehabilitation industry requires many durable and multi-functional materials. One such material is chemical grouting. This type of grout allows you to take on many small repairs and stabilize work areas before undertaking a larger project. At PrimeLine Products, we’re proud to offer many types and formulations of this essential material. Uses Our…

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Pneumatic Plug Tools: Main Advantages

Pneumatic Plug Tools: Main Advantages

When you’re testing, inspecting, or rehabilitating pipes, a pneumatic plug is an essential part of the process. They prevent fluids from moving into the area where you’re working. These plugs also allow you to get accurate and precise measurements of any leaks contained by the plug. At PrimeLine Products, we offer pneumatic pipeline plugs, tools…

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