BRAWOLINER® XT - The Extra Strong Liner from BRAWO® SYSTEMS

Pipe damage comes in all shapes and sizes. In cases where a pipe’s structural integrity is compromised because of improper installation, ground shifts, or overloading, the rehabilitation process will require an exceptional lining product.

Enter BRAWOLINER® XT, the liner with exceptional strength from BRAWO® SYSTEMS, specifically designed for repairing pipes with longitudinal fractures or those with significant damage and holes.

A standout feature of BRAWOLINER® XT is its remarkable stiffness, a quality essential for restoring structural integrity while keeping water tightness intact. This is the liner of choice for renovating structurally impaired or deep pipes with changes in diameter or bends.

  • From 100 to 250 mm (4“ to 10“)
  • Available in DN 125 until DN 250
  • Exceptional stiffness for addressing damage from overloading, traffic, or ground movement.
  • Bends of up to 90°
  • One dimensional change

Count on PrimeLine Products for Quality Products - Call Now

When you need quality trenchless products and equipment, PrimeLine Products is the company to call. We also offer comprehensive training for your company on how to use BRAWOLINER® XT and similar products. Call us for a free quote today.

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