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  /    /  Single-Size Plumbing Test-Ball®

Single-Size Plumbing Test-Ball®

Cherne Plumbing Test Ball® Plugs were first introduced in 1953 as a more versatile product than traditional mechanical plugs. Designed to test drain, vent and waste systems Cherne Test Ball® Plugs could be used in any type of pipe, could be inserted through a test tee, and sealed out of round pipe as well.

Cherne introduced the multi-size yellow-top Test Ball® plugs in 2002. These test ball plugs have the same great features found in the original test ball plugs, but can be used in more than one pipe size.


  • Natural Rubber: Great sealing properties as well as excellent expansion and memory
  • Schrader Valve Inflator: Includes cap with valve core tightener
  • Ring and Chain Assembly: Prevents plug from dropping into DWV system during test
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